2023 Idaho Youth Vaping and Tobacco Survey

Funded by Project Filter and the Idaho Millennium Fund

The University of Idaho and the Social and Economic Research Center of Washington State University, supported by Project Filter and the Idaho Millennium Fund, conducted a statewide Idaho Youth Vaping and Tobacco Survey over April-June 2023. All schools in Idaho with grades 6th through 12th were contacted, and 25 schools participated. From these schools, 2,213 students responded to the online or paper survey. The survey explored exposure, interaction with health professionals, peer pressure, beliefs and attitudes, cigarette, vape, and other tobacco use, behavioral health issues, grades, and participation in school and community activities. While the results from this study are not generalizable for all youth in Idaho, they are useful for identifying actionable approaches to reduce exposure, decrease the age of initiation and use, and promote cessation.

The findings for each statistic, along with their corresponding infographics, can be downloaded below.

Downloadable infographics (JPG format):

  1. Awareness of Anti-Vaping and Tobacco Ads
  2. Youth with close contacts who use vapes or tobacco
  3. Youth with close contacts who use vapes or tobacco and youth nicotine use
  4. Regular youth exposure to vape aerosol or cigarette smoke
  5. Locations of youth exposure to cigarette smoke or vape aerosol
  6. Health professionals asking about vape and tobacco usage
  7. Healthcare professionals Advising against usage
  8. Youth report no advice against vape or tobacco use from health professionals
  9. Belief that vaping is bad for health
  10. Addiction Beliefs
  11. Youth Use Nicotine
  12. Youth trying to quit
  13. Nicotine use and feeling sad or hopeless
  14. Nicotine use and frequency of feeling sad or hopeless
  15. Nicotine use and feeling stress or anxiety
  16. Nicotine use and frequency of feeling stress or anxiety
  17. Nicotine use and self reported grades
  18. Nicotine use and participation
  19. Nicotine use and lack of participation